We had a great group of students present at Campbell’s Wiggins Symposium this year! Angelique, Alex, Charlie, Rachel, Sumiya and Savannah and Celia all presented their work. We even won some awards! Angelique came away with a merit award, and Sumiya earned high merit! Congrats to the award winners and all our presenters! It’s an honor to be a mentor to these great scientists. We’ll keep things rolling with the NCAS meeting next week!
Alex explaining his work cloning SucA mutants for our Chem 432 project.
This one may or may not have been staged…only Rachel knows.
Angelique making a good impression on the poster judge.
Charlie presenting his work engineering laccases for nonnatural biocatalysis.
Celia (and Savannah) presented their work on the Design-to-Data national CURE project that we did in Biol 280 in the fall.
Savannah taking over. Great team work!
The Chemistry & Physics department award winners! Great job Sumiya, Angelique, and Mia! Our department received two-thirds of the undergraduate poster high merit awards!
All of the Wiggins award winners! Great job everyone!